Monday, January 10, 2011

Terrorism in Africa

Terrorism has been effervescent throughout Africa, most notably in recent weeks through New Year’s Eve in Nigeria and Egypt. A Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, Egypt was bombed on the eve of the New Year. The reason I am writing this as my blog post, is to make sure our voices are heard, and these religious minorities saved and protected against terrorism.
Protests have been ongoing for many years now, campaigning for the rights and protection of the Coptic community in Egypt. All over the world governments have been responding to the pleas, calling for better action. In the United States, Italy, Great Britain, France and Germany, their governments and religious leaders have asked that the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak (a Muslim) do more to protect all his citizens from the threat of terrorism.
Mubarak in his defence spoke out against the attack against the Christians on New Year’s Eve (which is unusual for him), in a live press conference. He must be feeling the pressure leading up to the already rigged elections in Egypt. He has a working relationship with the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Pope Shenouda III, so perhaps his televised press conference is justified.
Labelling the attacks as a motive to transform Egypt into a stronger breeding ground for terrorism, he called upon his fellow Muslims to show support for the Coptic community. Sure enough, the Muslims joined the rallying protests on the streets in support of them, and formed a human shield outside the church in Alexandria during the Coptic Christmas Eve mass on the January 6th, 2011.
All of this begs the question, why doesn’t the Australian Government recognise the Copts as part of the Australian community? Ongoing protests here in Sydney, and in Melbourne, fall on deaf ears in the media. With the occasional mention of something on the radio or in a newspaper, the neither the State or Federal Governments have acknowledged the issue. In stark contrast, Tony Abbott has been forthcoming regarding the attacks; this, however, is perhaps because he is eager for votes in the coming election.
I am calling on all citizens of Australia, stand up and fight, ask our Prime Minister Julia Gillard why her and her Labor Government have neglected to respond to the cries for help of the Copts in Australia; whose families are suffering back home in Egypt.


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