Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby bin Ladens pushing the buttons

You may be wondering, from the title of this post, what it entails. Well, Praveen Swami of The Daily Telegraph wrote a story on January 6, 2011, of a new generation of jihad chieftains, the "baby bin Ladens". Bin Laden may have been phased out  and is now in hiding, yet, he has reliable followers who are willing to put their lives at risk to follow and support him. "He's become and icon for the rage of all kinds of people with all sorts of causes", said Christine Fair from Georgetown University in Washington.

There is a common belief that Osama bin Laden is now in hiding, mocking at the Western world and laughing at us. Ben Barber uses the example of retaliating after September 11, 2001, as the exact reaction that bin Laden wanted from the United States. Convinced that they were a threat to national security, they began a war on terrorism...not the initial Islamic extremists; it was, after all George W. Bush who declared the attacks as an act of war.

From facing a minor faction of terrorists in the '80s' and '90's, the world has come to know the terrorist organisation Al Qaeda, yet, we still seek revenge for the initial attacks made nearly ten years ago. Terrorist factions are spread far-and-wide throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe, far outnumbering the resources of the United States — there is no way for the Americans to campaign and win the war on terrorism if they continue to overlook those facts. Ignoring the Muslim residents of the U.S. are also a residing factor in the war on terror, they are not even considered fairly as residents of the country.

Many, many, soldiers have been killed throughout this longstanding war, and the United States Government persist on their war. Why they do this, some of us will never know...


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