Monday, January 10, 2011

Can we find Osama?

Nobody know Laden dead or alive, no one knows where the hell he is even. But no matter what, American always has reasons keep looking for him.

Laden don’t want to be fined
Most people believe that the world would keep in danger if Osama haven’t been taking down. The reason is that most western countries are threatened by his terror.  No matter Bin Laden being the role of the King of the terrorist or not, this terrorism spiritual leader, his terrorist spirit already planting deeply in public’s mind in this 9 years after the 9/11 attack. Is obviously to know the ending if Osama shows up, so no matter he is in Iran, Wazirstan or Washington, he can not be founded.  

America can find out Osama? Not really~

America has offering more than million US dollar rewards for Osama, keep searching him actively in this many years, but still haven’t got anything. The American military believes that Leaden is hiding in the mountain areas of Parachina where between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He always changes his living place, only contact once to the ‘outside’ per month and only contact by the messenger but not the phone. A staff of the American military says, the CIA, FBI are very hard close to Osama and catch him, he always changes his hiding place is one of the reason. 

American not really wants to find out Osama.
American has kept looking Osama unflaggingly to remove the threat of the “Alive” Osama. But if the truth is Osama already dead in many years ago, then why the American Agency painstakingly to making an illusion that Osama still “alive”? For American government’s point of view, only if Osama still alive, the American government could use it as a tool for their tactic. First, they could keep support the “unfinished” antiterrorism wars in other countries; second, they could transform the focus point of the public to the anti-terrorism staff, especially during the time that the economic of the American is slumping in these years.


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