Monday, January 10, 2011

Osama aide killed

Following on from the previous post, the war on terror is not helped with the fact that Osama's top aide was killed in a drone strike in late December of 2010. Whilst the Taliban will be lacking in some experience in their ranks, there will now be a fight for winning the right to be bin Laden's right-hand-man.

This situation does not help America's fight against terrorism either, as there is probably an impending terrorist attack in the making in response and retaliation to the murder of Nasir el-Wahishi. Hiding in the mountains of Pakistan, this begs the question of whether or not the Pakistani Government is taking advantage of terrorism, gaining the trust of the Al Qaeda. Have they been using United States aid money (supposedly for the floods) in order to fund the terrorists, right under the watchful eye of an ignorant United States Government? They seem to be deep into research for Osama's bin Laden's associates and their whereabouts, however, one must ask the question, is that really the way to go?

There are two answers here - yes and no; in order to find out more information about bin Laden and Al Qaeda's motives, weapons and other resources, tracking down and capturing his associates is the only option. If they do not talk, then the obvious result would be to kill them instead of asking for information. If the United States are really serious about capturing bin Laden, they need to be more resourceful in tracking him down, taking him out or maybe, capturing him; and who knows, he may give up on his mission to terrorise the world. If this eventuates, maybe, and emphasis on the maybe, the terrorism threat will blow over – at a steady rate over many years.


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