Monday, January 10, 2011

Osama is not just a terrorist

  The Montreal Gazette report that the Al-Qaeda have a new leader and they call him “infant Osama” In next ten years the war of the anti-terrorism would be counties as the rise of the leader and the organization.

CIA staff said that power of the Al-Qaeda have been spread to different place, even have some new leading force although Al-Qaeda have lost lots of Al-Qaeda member in Afhanistan. Such as Mohammad in Pakistan, Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen, Mohamed Abdi Godane in Somalia…… they all have their own army with more than thousand people.

Christy F who is the professor of Georgetown University, shows that the member straight direct by Bin has less than 500 people through the intelligence. “Osama already become a insignia of terror within the public culture which similar as Che Guevara.”

Who knows the   “Underwear bombing” and the Church bombing in Egypt currently are affect by Osama.


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