Monday, January 10, 2011

Conclude of "Let's Find Osama"

As the most wanted and most influential man, every news of Osama are making a big wave in the world. After 9.11 terrorise attract, his spirit of terrorism are influence the world, no matter the fear or some people treat him as hero. 

After three month post of our blog, we had tracing  some news of Osama and analyse the related material to develop the theme of our blog and try to find out this most wanted man.  we had do interview with Antony who is the success citizen journalism about such issues; interview with Fr Antonios who is police work in Australia and interview with Nick Kaldas. through the interview, we all enjoy what they said and the information with their points of views are pretty helpful for the theme of our blog. we both understand more about the issues of the terrorism.

last, note that this would be the last post for our blog, thank you to stay with us for so long. 

Bishoy, Eddy, Vieri

Osama is not just a terrorist

  The Montreal Gazette report that the Al-Qaeda have a new leader and they call him “infant Osama” In next ten years the war of the anti-terrorism would be counties as the rise of the leader and the organization.

CIA staff said that power of the Al-Qaeda have been spread to different place, even have some new leading force although Al-Qaeda have lost lots of Al-Qaeda member in Afhanistan. Such as Mohammad in Pakistan, Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen, Mohamed Abdi Godane in Somalia…… they all have their own army with more than thousand people.

Christy F who is the professor of Georgetown University, shows that the member straight direct by Bin has less than 500 people through the intelligence. “Osama already become a insignia of terror within the public culture which similar as Che Guevara.”

Who knows the   “Underwear bombing” and the Church bombing in Egypt currently are affect by Osama.


New threats for the aviation industry

The UK Transport Minister has warned all its Departments that "There are indications that al Qaeda may be considering an attack against a UK airport or aviation sector target" (BBC news, 2011).
This warning comes amid the recent raise of the UK terrorism-threat indicator to "severe" and analysts believe the large crowds gathering at UK airports would make it a very successful attack for Al-Qaeda. Although this measure is said to have bee taken as a precaution, intelligence reports stress the possibility of such an attack. Terrorists have allegedly been aspiring to replicate an attack of the proportions of Mumbai in 2008, but on European or American soil.
The UK Department of Transport was not willing to make any comments at this stage, While the US says does not feel threatened at the moment.


France in the sight of Al-Qaeda and AQIM

France's colonial history is reported to have attracted the anger of AQIM and Al-Qaeda, which in the latest years has broadened his attacks to a number of US allies. While the threat of home-grown terrorism seems to be minor, the anti-terrorism department is warning its citizens that some "lone wolf" operatives may be present on French soil, and that there is a high probability that 2011 will see some North-African cells of the infamous organization testing the security apparatus protecting the country. Particularly, AQIM - a cell that traces its roots to Algeria - has been particularly active lately and although it is independent from Al-Qaeda, it shares its ideologies and is allegedly trying to use the pressure exercised by this group to its advantage, trying to penetrate a defensive system that is already stressed by Bin Laden's threats. "AQIM has declared its ideological allegiance to Osama bin Laden and shown its hostility to France through anti-French rhetoric and a series of hostage-takings." (Reuters, 2011).
In July, after the execution of a 78 years old French hostage, Bin Laden endorsed the operations of AQIM during a recorded speech, boosting their prestige and morale. They may now seek to further impress their ideological leader through a high-profile attack on French soil.
Although counter terrorism units believe this cell is too weak to carry out an attack of this proportions, the risk remains and it is undeniable that the new "weak-minded" members recruited through "radicalised" speeches and arguments of religious nature, will keep on draining the economical and mental resources of Western countries that will have to deal with these threats for the decades to come. Never being allowed to lower guard or afford a distraction is a very tough challenge that will test the defence systems to the extreme in the following years.


Bin Laden supporting Kashmir Jihadists

Amid the latest Wikileaks cable releases, it is alleged that Bin Laden wowed to support the jihadist, separatist movement fighting for Kashmir's independence, stating that they "will never run out of funds" and promising to produce US$ 20 millions of aides in the next years.
It is reported Bin Laden was furious at the civil-nuclear program that is being developed in the rival country of India, with close cooperation from Washington.
These latest allegations date back to a 2006 meeting between Indian and US intelligence personnel, but highlight the long-standing doubt about Pakistan, which is alleged to play some kind of double game with the US, accepting monetary help from one side and cooperating with Al-Qaeda on the other.
In fact, it is alleged that high-ranking members of the ISI (Pakistan's secret services) maintained close ties with the Sheikh of Terror and a number of his associates.


Terrorism in Africa

Terrorism has been effervescent throughout Africa, most notably in recent weeks through New Year’s Eve in Nigeria and Egypt. A Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, Egypt was bombed on the eve of the New Year. The reason I am writing this as my blog post, is to make sure our voices are heard, and these religious minorities saved and protected against terrorism.
Protests have been ongoing for many years now, campaigning for the rights and protection of the Coptic community in Egypt. All over the world governments have been responding to the pleas, calling for better action. In the United States, Italy, Great Britain, France and Germany, their governments and religious leaders have asked that the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak (a Muslim) do more to protect all his citizens from the threat of terrorism.
Mubarak in his defence spoke out against the attack against the Christians on New Year’s Eve (which is unusual for him), in a live press conference. He must be feeling the pressure leading up to the already rigged elections in Egypt. He has a working relationship with the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Pope Shenouda III, so perhaps his televised press conference is justified.
Labelling the attacks as a motive to transform Egypt into a stronger breeding ground for terrorism, he called upon his fellow Muslims to show support for the Coptic community. Sure enough, the Muslims joined the rallying protests on the streets in support of them, and formed a human shield outside the church in Alexandria during the Coptic Christmas Eve mass on the January 6th, 2011.
All of this begs the question, why doesn’t the Australian Government recognise the Copts as part of the Australian community? Ongoing protests here in Sydney, and in Melbourne, fall on deaf ears in the media. With the occasional mention of something on the radio or in a newspaper, the neither the State or Federal Governments have acknowledged the issue. In stark contrast, Tony Abbott has been forthcoming regarding the attacks; this, however, is perhaps because he is eager for votes in the coming election.
I am calling on all citizens of Australia, stand up and fight, ask our Prime Minister Julia Gillard why her and her Labor Government have neglected to respond to the cries for help of the Copts in Australia; whose families are suffering back home in Egypt.


Can we find Osama?

Nobody know Laden dead or alive, no one knows where the hell he is even. But no matter what, American always has reasons keep looking for him.

Laden don’t want to be fined
Most people believe that the world would keep in danger if Osama haven’t been taking down. The reason is that most western countries are threatened by his terror.  No matter Bin Laden being the role of the King of the terrorist or not, this terrorism spiritual leader, his terrorist spirit already planting deeply in public’s mind in this 9 years after the 9/11 attack. Is obviously to know the ending if Osama shows up, so no matter he is in Iran, Wazirstan or Washington, he can not be founded.  

America can find out Osama? Not really~

America has offering more than million US dollar rewards for Osama, keep searching him actively in this many years, but still haven’t got anything. The American military believes that Leaden is hiding in the mountain areas of Parachina where between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He always changes his living place, only contact once to the ‘outside’ per month and only contact by the messenger but not the phone. A staff of the American military says, the CIA, FBI are very hard close to Osama and catch him, he always changes his hiding place is one of the reason. 

American not really wants to find out Osama.
American has kept looking Osama unflaggingly to remove the threat of the “Alive” Osama. But if the truth is Osama already dead in many years ago, then why the American Agency painstakingly to making an illusion that Osama still “alive”? For American government’s point of view, only if Osama still alive, the American government could use it as a tool for their tactic. First, they could keep support the “unfinished” antiterrorism wars in other countries; second, they could transform the focus point of the public to the anti-terrorism staff, especially during the time that the economic of the American is slumping in these years.
