Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Osama in Iran? or Washington!

Osama hunting in Iran?!
News: Osama bin Laden “living in luxury in Iran” report by The Telegraph, saying that the most wanted man  in the world, Osama is living in a luxury residence in Iran, and hunting Falcons!
Falcon hunting is an exclusive hobby of richest man in the Middle East. The price of a bird could reach one million dollars.The documentary named ‘Feathered Cocaine’ shows that Osama have been living comfortable with his wife and children under protect.

Osama bin Laden is hiding in Washington~
Ahmadinejad told ABC News that Osama is hiding in Washington, during the interview.
“Yes, I did. He's there. Because he was a previous partner of Mr. Bush. They were colleagues in fact in the old days. You know that. They were in the oil business together. They worked together.”
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said.

What I think is none of this massages are truth as the American always try to find some excuse to create “invasion” such as Iraq and somehow American was being embarrassing that they can not find out a guy with such huge and high technology network, weapons over 9 years. Let’s look at the image Osama that post from FBI which uses internet photo of Spanish politican Gaspar Liamazares

What a shame! At the same time, it shows that the US Intelligence Agency may completely losing the traces of Osama…
  Ahmadinejad was playing jokes to defense his country. However, as the location of Osama becomes a secret that everyone wants to know, the media and people would not pass up any chance to find out Osama. Can you image how embarrassing and horror for the US government if Osama is living in Washington~
Did Osama still alive or dead? 
We keep searching…


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