Saturday, November 20, 2010

The most popular qusetion-----Where is Osama?

In few months, while some media claim that the leader of the “9.11” terrorizes attack, Osama Bin Laden was hiding in Iran, the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad state that Osama bin Laden is in Washington

“9/11” has been over 9 years, but people still searching for Osama. America keep searching, Media keep looking, but where the hell he is? Did he dead? Or alive? Seems it becomes a popular, myth secret that everyone wants to prove~

Well, the problem is no one has evidences to show that where Osama is, all of us. What we do is just try to investigate, figure out where is this Osama guy~  In next few days, I will going to discuss who peoples looking for Osama, why they are looking for Osama and through this discussions, try to find some evidence that where is he.


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