Monday, November 15, 2010

Bin Laden, the world's most influential man on the run

After 10 years of being on the run, few public figures caused more debate and speculation than Osama Bin Laden. The man that caused a war costing the US around 700 billion $ a year, is apparently impossible to find. Vanished, disappeared. Despite that, he is very informed about the latest events happening in the world, and a regular feature in fatwa-like videos threatening terrorist acts on Western countries. The rumours about his whereabouts are countless. Ranging from somebody who saw him riding a motorcycle in Afghanistan, to people claiming he is living in Washington and is also a personal friend of George Bush. Fidel Castro believes he is an American spy. The latest, most insisting rumour depicts him as an ill man, undergoing dialysis therapy while living in a comfortable suburban house in Pakistan, protected by his close allies and by the same Pakistani intelligence agents who get 2 billion $ in help from the US. Annually. No matter what the truth is, Bin Laden is an extremely powerful and influential figure that generated an endless, costly and hopeless war as well as wacky conspiracy theories, features in a Family Guy episode, threats to the world via his feared Al-Qaeda network. This blog will cover some of the most interesting facts, updates and theories that were elaborated in the past 10 years, as well as trying to find out why nobody can find him and where the hell he is.


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