Monday, December 6, 2010

Everywhere you look

Sometimes, if you know where to look, you will find Osama bin Laden in the most unlikely places. Many people have been influenced by the terrorist mogul since he became a target of the United States Government and military. Police in the United Kingdom must have been surprised when they pulled a car over, only to find Osama bin Laden at the wheel. As it turns out, they had stopped the vehicle because the window cleaner in the driver's seat was wearing a bin Laden mask (the officers' eyes must have lit up when they imagined what they would receive for turning America's most wanted fugitive in). Further down the article on the Daily Record website it states that he put on the mask at a traffic light to make a group of teenagers laugh. It was unclear whether the driver got off with a warning for restricting his view of the road, or attempting to cause fear amongst the community by wearing the bearded mask.

On June 13, 2010, an American citizen, Gary Brooks Faulkner was arrested for attempting to hunt down bin Laden in the mountains of Pakistan. He was armed with a 40 inch sword, .30 caliber pistol, night vision scope, dagger and King James Bible. Faulkner is an out-of-work construction worker who sold tools to finance trips described as a Rambo-type mission to kill or capture bin Laden, the MSNBC website claims.

If one man from America is brave enough to seek out Osama bin Laden, perhaps the United States Government and military should use more of their resources to focus on the search for him (as opposed to regarding Iraq as their primary focus).


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